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My Work Showcase

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About Me

Hello! I am a graduate of Ngee Ann Polytechnic's Diploma in Design and Product Innovation. I am passionate about automotive design as I have a strong interest and passion for cars. l enjoy studying the designs of past and present supercars, to learn and better understand their design language. I am always open to learning new things to better myself, no matter how challenging it might be. I hope to be able to design a car that would one day make an impact in the automotive world.




        Technical Skills

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe Lightroom

  • Adobe InDesign

  • Adobe XD

  • Fusion 360

  • Rhino 3D

  • AutoCAD


       Soft Skills

  • Adaptability

  • Independence

  • Problem Solving

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Showcase of past works, both school and Past time


Past School Projects and Works from mostly Product innovation and some from architecture from year 1.  


Automotive Photography is a side hobby that I like to do in my free time.

Job Experience

Product Design Intern 

Omni Remotes

2022 - 2023

This internship experience was my first foray into the working world. Through this opportunity, I was able to apply many of the skills taught in school and started to better appreciate and value what I have learnt in the past. I was able to build many connections with my colleagues as they fostered an extremely inclusive environment while I was there. This has allowed me to better adapt and learn industry and communication skills and be able to better understand what it means to be a product designer. 


Military Medicine Institute

Singapore Armed Forces

2023 - 2025

I am currently serving my national service as a medic in the Singapore Armed Forces Military Medicine Institute (MMI). The biggest takeaway that I have from this is I have learned how to be more understanding and empathetic towards others. Unlike other units in the Army which are always training in preparation for conflict. For me, every day is a real working day. We are the line between the Medical Officers and the patients, being the ones whom our fellow soldiers reach out to in times of need. There are many soft skills that I can take away from these 2 years and many experiences and connections I have built that I am grateful for.

Co-curricular activities


2021- Present

I am currently a Community Moderator for my friend's Crew. Through this experience, some of the roles and responsibilities that I have taken on includes general moderation where I ensure that the community members follow the community guidelines and rules. Furthermore, I have also hosted several events for the crew to help improve community relations and strengthen friendships. Working together with other moderators, we have helped out many new members, come up with ideas and even help grow the community. 



+65 9617 4876

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