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Compilation of school works in Ngee Ann Polytechnic

From Product Design to Architecture, and even graphical illustrations, this is a compilation of the school projects and assignments I have done throughout my life as a student at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. 


Being into technology since young, I wanted to do a technology-related project for my final year at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. My project was heavily inspired by an article I read about the death of an NSF that made me realize the dangers our firefighters go through. I wanted to design a product that would not only be beneficial but also reduce unnecessary risks.  


My design was a drone that would act as a first responder. Allowing firefighters to have a better understanding of the situation and to allow for better planning upon arrival at the scene of the emergency. Furthermore, it is also able to assist with evacuation before the rescuer's arrival. Thus drastically reducing the risk for firefighters.

Entertainment System

This project was a collaboration between Omni Remotes and Ngee Ann Polytechnic. This was a competition where we were tasked to come up with our interpretation of entertainment systems. For my project, I decided to focus more on the gaming aspect, where I aimed to address the common issues faced by console gamers and improve their gaming experiences. This project was also a competition. Even though I failed to win anything, i manged to be selected for an internship with the partner company and am grateful for all the industry experience I have gained throughout my time with them. 

Inclusive Space

Inclusivity is vital in our extremely intertwined society of today. The main goal of this project was to create a space for students to get together during or after school, either as a study space or even a space to build connections and forge stronger bonds. My team and I came up with 2 different ideas, one where a new building is created, whereas the other is a repurposing of an underutilized space in the school. 


For this project, we were tasked with making new furniture out of old furniture donated by people. This was a collaboration between Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Scanteak, and CNA. For my idea, I decided to target the pets of the user as both my group mates have decided to cater their designs to the users. My idea was meant to not only be a comfortable resting area for the owner's dog but also an aesthetically pleasing piece when not in use as it adds aesthetic value to a potentially void and empty area. 

Equinox Arrow
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This project is where we were supposed to come up with our own individual business idea. For my idea, I decided to target the supercars market as i Have a passion for supercars. Originally, my idea was to modify existing supercars in the market for customers. However, it turned into creating a completely new automotive manufacturer and with me making my own vehciles. 

Packaging Design
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For this assignment, we were tasked to come up with packaging designs for a product of our choice. For this, I have decided on a 1:64 scale car.

City Sprouts

This project was a collaboration between product innovation and architectural students. We were tasked with designing a new space for our client, which in this case was City Sprouts - an urban farming group. We had to figure out ways to better utilize the currently unused football field and cater our designs to the needs of the clients. 

Among Us

For this assignamnet, we were tasked to redesign the then popular game known as Among Us. We had many ways to approach this task, either by redesigning the map and environment, or even chnaging various aspects of the gampelay.

Drawings and Ideation

Drawings and Ideation are a massive part of our journey during the Design course, as it is the core and start to any great designs.

Porsche 963
Porsche 963 LMDH

This drawing of the Porsche 963 was a test for me to see how far I have come in digital art. This piece itself inculcates many different drawing techniques that I have picked up along the way, with some that I have never even tried before. I chose to draw the Porsche 963 as my interest deeply lies in endurance racing. I wanted to capture its finer details while still maintaining the prestige the car carries with its success. 

Project Development Drawings
Livery Ideation.jpg
Bodykit 458 Ideation.jpg


Sketches, just like drawings and ideations are also a crucial and important part of the start of any design. Here are some examples of sketches done before evolving into their final design forms.

Additional Gallery

Here below are some additional works done throught the lifespan of my time in Ngee Ann Polytechnic

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